Category Ys

Living the Driven Life, Episode 163 (July 11-July 17, 2021): ‘Nother good week

Pretty decent week, all in all. Sunday: Nother A- day, got a bit more organization on my project done and did some errands, but not much Ys. Monday: Just stayed home and played Ys all day, not too productive. Tuesday: Bit of an adventure! Went out to 7 Aroma again for more dumplings, but it […]

Living the Good Life, Episode 100 (September 22, 2018): Ys 8!

Well, things are warm again, so it seems, so that’s good. Pretty productive week for me! The lowdown: WATCHAN: Nothin’ much this week. EATAN: TIMAN: Starseeker will get some stuff done over da weekend, hopefully 😀 PLAYAN: A lot of Ys 8 this week–got it a while ago, but […]

Quickshot Thoughts on the Ys Series

I have a soft spot for all the games I played in my childhood. They were symbols of friendship between me and my very best friend in all the world. He is, in many ways, largely responsible for the man I am now—at least, for whatever good characteristics I possess. Thanks to him I learned […]