Decent enough week. Sunday: A- day, relaxed and stayed at home, got 1200 words done, very nice! Monday: A+ day! Productive day at work, and though I messed up one thing again, I managed to catch it BEFORE it became a problem so that was good. The best thing is to not make mistakes, but […]

Nice nice! Sunday: A- day. Relaxing sunday, got 1000 words done on muh dream. Not much, but this sort of thing is, I think, much more cerebral than fanfiction, since for fanfic a lot of the work in terms of characterization and worldbuilding has already been done for you. It sucks compared to my previous […]

Aww yeah, more Berserk! Sunday: A- day, just chilled. Monday: A- day, quiet day at work, can’t complain. Tuesday: A- day, same as above. Wednesday: Solid A day I’d say. Relaxed at home, but even though this is a break week I managed to get a little over a thousand words done on muh dream, […]

Very nice spring. I think I’m gonna hold off on going all out on muh dream until the 26th, as a new Berserk chapter is comin out then. After that, then I’ll go all out! Sunday: A- day, chilled and didnt do much. Monday: A- day, quiet day at work, but got some stuff done. […]

Spring seems to have FINALLY arrived for real. Sunday: A- day, chilled at home–pretty much recovered, thankfully. Monday: A- day, BIG ECLIPSE in my area…that was a letdown because it was so cloudy. Well, at least they let me out of work early. Tuesday: A- day, left work a lil early to go to a […]

Feeling a little better. Sunday: C- day, felt a lil better but still under the weather. Monday: C+ day, still sick but had to come in cause I couldnt afford missin any more hours. Least I did OK at work tho. Tuesday: B- day. Just about feeling better, and still had to work…. Wednesday: B […]

Holy shit, they don’t get much worse than this week. You can probably tell by how late this entry is D: Sunday: A- day, went out to eat and got a little bit of dream work done. Monday: Solid F, no way around it. Made a HUGE screwup at work and though the client was […]

Brief update–I’ve fallen extremely ill so I cant really write my normal weekly entry. I should be OK in the end but I need to convalesce for a coupla days before I’m up to writing again 😦

I’ve had worse weeks. Sunday: A- day, got a teensy bit of dream work done but otherwise stayed home and played Unicorn Overlord lol. Monday: A- day. Decent productive day at work, but my boss says I need to talk to him about the proper way to do some paperwork. If I’ve just been making […]

Very nice week! Sunday: Solid A day. Friend of the family delivered red robin fish and chips to us, so I stayed home, played Unicorn Overlord, and got the last bit of review outta the way for a secret little thing~ Only bad thing about the day was that it snowed again 😦 Ah, well. […]