Tag Archives: julian gollop

Living the Good Life, Episode 32 (May 12, 2017 ): Another productive, but not stressful week! :D

Another week, another set of good times! And another low-down, of course 😀 WATCHAN: Berserk 18: Excellent episode, at least by Berserk TV standards. None of the scene cuts seemed to be that poorly conceived, some nice characterization, and Guts looked pretty badass when he started cutting up those trolls. Not the best stuff I’ve […]

Living the Good Life, Episode 30 (April 28, 2017 ): A productive, but not stressful week!

Excellent week, my friends! I’ll get to my dissertation stuff soon, but first things first: I got a recliner on Tuesday and it is SOOOOOOO comfy. So much easier working now 😀 Beforehand my back would start to hurt if I sat too long typing in front of my computer monitor (i.e my TV) but […]